At the beginning of this course, I admit that I was unsure of the learning value of the ePortfolio and its purpose. I thought, “isn’t a portfolio just information about myself? What will I learn about health care in Canada by making a resume and talking about myself?”. However, I’ve learned throughout this semester that the process of creating an ePortfolio has been very valuable. By having the freedom each unit to find and curate resources that specifically fit my topics of interest, I have been able to learn about health care in Canada in a way that is important and relevant to me and my profession. I met with the professor via Zoom early in the semester and I expressed my concerns about my learning style and my ability to succeed in this course. I have found in the past that my learning style fits well with being presented course information and then being tested on my ability to recall this information. I was initially concerned about my ability to self-direct my learning. As I progressed in the course, I found that being given a general topic (e.g. vulnerable populations) and then having the opportunity to choose learning resources on topics I am interested in (e.g. homelessness and pregnancy) was more valuable than being told to learn information that I may not necessarily ever use. Now, with an ePortfolio full of resources I have curated on topics relevant to my professional interests, I have a catalogue of information available that I can access for reference any time in my future career. I’m very happy that I took this course and that the professor was willing to listen to my concerns in order to help me succeed.
