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Unit 4 - Multilevel Approaches to Understanding Health

Multiple Spheres of Influence on Health:

White (2015) explains the multiple spheres of influence on health that relate to the socio-ecological model of health. As you can see in the following image, one's health can be affected by a number of different levels of influence that interplay:


There is an interesting quote in this paper that touches on the importance of looking beyond the individual when addressing health issues:

"A physician faced with a suffering patient has an obligation to make things better. If she sees 100 patients, the obligation extends to all of them. And if a society is making people sick? We have a duty to do what we can to improve the public health and to reduce health inequalities..."

White, F. (2015). Primary health care and public health: Foundations of universal health systems. Medical Principles and Practice, 24(2), 103-116.

Saskatchewan Health Quality Council also has some interesting resources that explain the importance of the multiple spheres of influence on health:

social determinans of health diagram.jpg

As we can see in this image, an individual's lifestyle choices are an important factor for health, but they pale in comparison to the overarching influence of socioeconomic, cultural, and environmental conditions.

They also discuss the "upstream thinking" approach:

upstream image_1.jpg

The Health Foundation (UK) has an interesting page with a number of different infographics/videos on the multiple spheres of influence of health and the social determinants of health:


THF Healthy Lives infographic No1_AW04.0
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